Sunday 26 June 2011

Tutorial 1 - Selection

I used the quick selection tool  to select the picture. Then used move tool  to move the picture.
After that i used the ctrl-T  to resize the picture. then zoom in tool  to zoom in and alt tool  to zoom out.

I used the rectangular macquee tool  to select the picture. Then used move tool  to move the picture.
After that i used the ctrl-T  to resize the picture. then zoom in tool  to zoom in and alt tool  to zoom out.

I used the rectangular macquee tool  to select the picture. Then used move tool  to move the picture.
After that i used the ctrl-T  to resize the picture. then zoom in tool  to zoom in and alt tool  to zoom out.

I used the quick selection tool  to select the picture and i repeat the same step for p,e,n,d,a,y by using the quick selection tool.  Then used move tool  to move the picture.
After that i used the ctrl-T  to resize the picture. then zoom in tool  to zoom in and alt tool  to zoom out.

I used the quick selection tool  to select the picture. Then used move tool  to move the picture.
After that i used the ctrl-T  to resize the picture. then zoom in tool  to zoom in and alt tool  to zoom out.

Sunday 19 June 2011

about me

HELLO everybody...
I'm Yuen Pui Ling
I'm majoring in Management with Multimedia
My tutorial section is BC 271 B
DIGITAL MEDIA was new to me and I do hope I can expand my knowledge from here^^
Nice to meet you MADAM LYDIA